
学费 & 金融援助

棋牌游戏平台致力于招收一个有才华和多样化的学生群体. We strive to make this educational experience affordable to all families that may require financial assistance.

2024 - 25学费

学前班/幼稚园  $22,170
1 - 5年级  $25,880
6 - 8年级  $30,600
9 - 12年级  $33,970


学费分八期支付,必须在1月1日之前全额支付. 付款不包括制服的费用, 书, 供应, 午餐, 手提电脑(如适用), 运输, 特别活动入场费, or other expenses incurred in the ordinary course of a student's activities at Berkeley.


棋牌游戏大全 is 承诺 to enrolling a 多样化的 and talented student body. We strive to make this educational experience accessible and affordable to all families regardless of their socio-economic status. Berkeley is fortunate to have much of its $4 million financial aid budget funded through the generosity of donors who have established 命名的禀赋 以支持财政援助计划.


棋牌游戏大全 does not accept any money from any governmental entity for any reason. To do so would potentially leave the school vulnerable to governmental interference, 危及我们珍视的独立. 我们鼓励有经济需要的家庭申请经济援助, 它以各种方式得到棋牌游戏平台的资助, 虽然不是通过政府补贴.



  • 申请经济资助

    In determining need, 棋牌游戏大全 follows NAIS Principles of Good Practice. Financial aid awards are based upon FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment (FACTS) financial assessment of each applicant. It is important to note that Berkeley may not be able to accommodate all financial aid applicants in a given year. Complete applications and required documents received in the 招生 Office by the deadline will receive first priority relative to aid dollars available. 
    • 当前棋牌游戏平台学生2024-2025学年的截止日期: 2023年12月31日*
    • 申请2024-2025学年棋牌游戏平台的新家庭截止日期: 2024年2月1日*
    *Financial aid applications received after the deadlines will be considered for our financial aid waiting pool.
    All families applying for financial aid for the first time should contact Julia Loncar, 招生和财政援助副主任, 请致电(813)885-1673或发电子邮件 loncajul@dilidally.net.

    Families currently receiving aid must submit a new financial aid application each year. 如果金融环境保持不变的话, 学校将尽一切努力帮助同等水平的家庭.

  • 所需要的单据

    申请2024-2025学年经济资助, 请在不迟于 2023年12月31日* 为返回棋牌游戏平台的家庭,或者 2024年2月1日* 新申请人:
    1. 创建您的 FACTS在线账户.
    2. 完成你的经济援助申请.
    3. 提交以下额外所需文件:
    • 上传您的2021年和2022年1040所得税申报表并签名
    • Business/Farm Statement and Corporate Tax Return/Schedule C/Schedule F (if applicable)
    • 上传2021年和2022年的W-2表格(如果适用)
    • 上传你最近的工资单副本
    • 到4月15日, 2024, upload a copy of your 2023 federal tax forms with all supporting schedules and W-2 Forms (if applicable)
    *Financial aid applications received after the deadlines will be considered for our financial aid waiting pool.
    由于难以评估,需要采用非美元和税收结构, a family must provide 2022 and 2023 US 纳税申报表 in order to apply for financial aid.
  • 离异、分居或从未结婚的父母/监护人

    Recognizing that each parent bears a responsibility for financing a student’s education, 所有家庭成员的财务信息都是必需的. 有监护权和无监护权的父母(无论法律协议如何), 离婚的人, 分离, 或未婚)必须提交自己的经济援助申请. The 金融援助 Committee will consider all household assets in determining need.
  • 重要的日子

    申请2024-2025学年经济资助的截止日期 目前棋牌游戏平台的学生是2023年12月31日*在1月底收到了获奖通知.
    棋牌游戏平台的新申请者, financial aid applications and all supporting documentation for the 2024-2025 school year must be submitted by 2024年2月1日* 将被考虑申请3月份发放的助学金.
    *Financial aid applications received after the deadlines will be considered for our financial aid waiting pool.



成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.